Marketing training, tools and templates.
Done FOR You.
When we started in real estate, we were all a little clueless and a lot ‘hot mess.’ No shame in that game if that’s you! Everyone doing something great had to start somewhere! We learned by trying, flailing and failing a LOT before we found systems and strategies that built our businesses to being the multiple 6 and 7-figure real estate businesses that they are today. We knew that there were other badass women in real estate that just needed a real plan.
Enter Girls with Grit: Momentum Membership. Relevant roadmaps, actionable coaching and plug-n-play templates that you can personalize and apply almost immediately!

A searchable dashboard for topics or templates all accessed via an app or desktop!

Strategies that save you money and make you money!

Proven Strategies
We are literally giving you the converting strategies that bring in our leads and turn them into clients.